Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Training -- Wed 02/01/2013

First training session of the year, and I let the coach write me up a rough template of a program to follow. He hasn't been too strict on exactly what weights to start with or exactly how many sets and reps, but has recommended that I do high rep work for now (10ish reps on the main lifts, and even higher on some assistance and accessory work), and gradually taper down into lower rep ranges as I approach time to put my strength to the test. Nothing new or groundbreaking there. Basic linear periodisation, with some room for autoregulation. Exactly what I would have done over a several month plan anyway. However, he's added a few different exercises into the mix, and split it up over 4 days, into what roughly equates to an upper/lower split. Nothing groundbreaking, once again, but also something I haven't done in a long time.

Front Squats

3x10x40kg -- High rep front squats are not easy. Hands become problematic throughout the set.


3x10x70kg -- Hamstrings were feeling that. I've never been a fan of high rep deadlifts. Oh well.

Assistance Work

Band Pull Aparts



2x8, 1x5 with red band.

Trap Bar Shrugs

15x24kg -- Who makes a 24kg bar? Numbers that lack roundness break my brain.

Calf Raise



Don't ask. Seizures were seen by all.

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